About Us


Children’s Commons Ecological Society (CCES) is a not-for-profit society with a mission to create learning environments that foster the connection between children and the natural world by providing repeated and regular access to a nature space, hands on collaborative learning, playful inquiry, and reflection and use of materials as a means for all learners to extend their understanding of themselves and their relationship to the world around them.

In 2015 CCES founded Calgary’s first Nature Kindergarten offering the Alberta Kindergarten curriculum through learner-led exploration of the natural world. It is a government-approved and publicly-funded kindergarten, in which children will spend the majority of their days exploring and learning in nature. It is the first in Calgary and one of only a few operating across Canada.

Children's Commons Ecological Society Board of Directors: Tara Dressler (Chairperson), Lisa Menzies (Treasurer), Aurora Spoering(Director), Sam Heraclides (Director), Kate Waddington (Director), and Kelsey Kim (Director)

Our Staff

Sayward standing on a mountain smiling

Sayward Wilkinson Blanc

This is Ms. Sayward's 6th year as Program Director for the CCES Nature Kindergarten. She is the founding Educator for CCES Nature Kindergarten and started this journey with the Common Digs Forest School. She has been teaching for 16 years, all in early childhood (Kindergarten to Grade 2). She has a background in Art Education and the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood. She has been fortunate enough to visit the schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy on four study tours and one summer institute.  She believes strongly in the power of Reggio's tenant of the environment as the third teacher, the importance of the 100 languages of children and of the power of children's learning through nature.  When not teaching she enjoys gardening, creating her own art work, yoga and traveling. 

You can reach her directly at: sayward@calgarynaturekindergarten.com

Adam Verheyde

Adam is returning for the 3rd as our Red Deer Lake United Church Teacher.

”My passion for children started when I volunteered with Kids Cancer Care, where I have been volunteering my time for 16 years.  I was born and raised in Calgary and have lived here all my life.  I love to play all types of sports whenever I can but my current favourites are hockey and disc golf.  I love being outdoors and will take any chance I get to go fishing and enjoy the sounds of nature.  When I am at home, I play with my cat “Rusty” who purrs louder than any cat I’ve ever heard.  My favourite food is pepperoni pizza, I love ALL types of candy, and my favourite movie is The Lion King.  I am super excited to be working alongside your children and can’t wait to expand my knowledge as a lifelong learner.”

You can reach him directly at: adam@calgarynaturekindergarten.com

Shelby sitting in front of Nature Kindergarten sign

Shelby-Ann Chibry

This is Mrs.Shelby’s 2nd year with Nature kindergarten. She will be the classroom assistant at Red Deer Lake United Church Nature Kindergarten alongside Teacher Mr. Adam.

Mrs.Shelby’s has a passion for teaching emotional regulation & mental health to tiny humans. She has 10+ years of experience working in a variety of settings as a teachers aide, behavioural aide, team lead and specialized nanny.“ The reason I started My journey in child education is I love being able to learn along with the children I’m working with and create new experiences with them.

I believe children can be the best teachers to us adults. I love seeing the world through a child’s view of the world and how they view our big world. I think learning that’s based in nature is the most beautiful and grounding experience. Nature is one of the best teachers we have and I’m so thankful to have nature as one of our teachers. I love working alongside an amazing team as well. When not at work Mrs. Shelby can be found curled up with her cats with a tea and good book or on a nature walk probably saying hi to all puppies she passes by.

Roz in a rain jacket

Rosalind Wilkes

This is Ms. Roz’ 1st year with Calgary Nature Kindergarten and she will be the Teacher at our Rosemont location!

Roz is very excited to join Calgary Nature Kindergarten this year. Originally from Toronto, she grew up in the park and spent summers at the cottage exploring all things nature, including bears, bugs and bats! Outdoor and experiential education are what drew Roz to teaching, and she has worked with a variety of nature-based programs, as well as arts and cooking programs. A main focus of her teaching is social-emotional regulation and developing classroom communities that are sensitive and caring. Most at home outside, she is excited to share this passion and sense of connectedness with her students this year. Most recently, Roz taught textiles and woodcraft in Sundsvall, Sweden and would love to swap stories about the mountains and reindeer of the north. Outside of school hours, Roz enjoys making art, cooking, hiking and doing yoga.

Dawn with her canoe

Dawn Hardy

This is Dawn’s 1st year with Nature kindergarten. She will be the classroom assistant at Rosemont Nature Kindergarten alongside Teacher Ms. Roz.

Dawn Hardy has been an environmental educator for many years with conservation organisations in the UK and Canada. Experiences in working life and raising her own children have taught her the importance of children being able to explore and observe at their own pace to make sense of their world. Dawn is passionate about enabling children to play freely outdoors to better understand themselves and others and to encourage meaningful connection with the natural world.

Dawn is most content when outdoors enjoying trail running, sea kayaking or gardening and taking time to appreciate the small wonders of nature with her own children in the backyard or further from home.

Teague sitting in a tree at the forest for Nature Kindergarten

Teague Urquhart

Teague is the Registrar for CCES Calgary Nature Kindergarten. He has lived, worked, and played in Calgary for his entire life. After receiving a Bachelor of Environmental Science from The University of Calgary Teague began volunteering as an Environmental Educators with multiple organizations throughout Calgary. This volunteering brought about a passion for education and Teague began seeking out a career as an Environmental Educator.

Teague's passions include education, permaculture, and the outdoors.  You can reach him directly at:  registrar@calgarynaturekindergarten.com

Start the adventure today!